Face Us.jpg

'Face Us'

Face Us

This performance used face-tracking software as the driver for the motions of the robot. The dancer becomes both the subject and the director of the performance as the robot stays captivated by her face.


Beauty and the Robot

Inspiration in Nature, Objects, Dance

The robot was created with the idea that current surveillance objects hide the intention of the voyeur, and mask their own gestures and face tracking. These gestures, when given freedom to track, give very simple objects, very powerful suggestions of life and animation, simply by being focussed on the face.

Early Prototypes

Original Robot Concept: Adam Quinn Sam Lavigne

Producer: Adam Quinn Yu-Ting Feng

Director: Yu-Ting Feng

Creative Technologist: Adam Quinn Sam Lavigne

Script: Yu-Ting Feng Ho-ju Wu

Choreographer/ Dancer: Ho-ju Wu

Physical Design: Adam Quinn 

Cinematographer: Steven Tong

Music/ Sound Design: Iggy Hung

Art Department: Tiffany Chou

Equipment Support: Juo-Hsin Chen

Video Editing: Yu-Ting Feng

Project selected by Google research as part of Experiments in Storytelling

Sponser BKLYN 1834

Tools Used

Processing with Open CV
Arduino with AccelStepper Library